Sunday, September 18, 2011

New "Wimmelbuch" about more generation houses

For Scholz & Friends Berlin and the federal ministry of family, seniors, women and youth - I did this book together with Andrea Peter about a day in a multi-generation house. ... Have a look!
Thanks to Scholz & Friends for this great job and the fantastic cooperation!! Special thanks to Mareike from Scholz & Friends!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Anton and his fans

... it is soooo much fun, to get feedback to my books like this!!! Thanks to Selma & Anton!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yipiieh - "Esel des Monats"

"Stromausfall im Bauhaus" gets the "Esel des Monats" award for the category picturebook in September! (Illustration: Judith Drews, Typograhpy: Andrea Peter, Author: Silke Opitz, Editorial Office: Heidemarie Schirmer) Thanks to Weimar Bauhaus Univeritätsverlag for the chance to do this book & Graphisches Centrum Cuno GmbH for the fantastic production!